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Made for SPARQL lovers

Uplift, then transform!

SPARQL Anything uses a unique data schema called Facade-X.
Facade-X is a simplistic meta-model that allows transformers to produce RDF from diverse data sources without the need of a domain vocabulary.
This is a generic example of a Facade-X data object:

@prefix fx: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/ns/> .
@prefix xyz: <http://sparql.xyz/facade-x/data/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .

[] a fx:Root ;
	rdf:_1 [
    	xyz:someKey "some value" ;
    	rdf:_1 "another value with unspecified key" 
    rdf:_2 [
        rdf:type xyz:SomeType ;
        rdf:_1 "another value" 
] .



The SPARQL Anything documentation can be found at readthedocs.io.

Here is a list of step-by-step tutorials covering several features of SPARQL Anything:


SPARQL Anything is available as Command Line Interafce (CLI), Web Server, and Software Library (Java and Python).

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Reference publications

Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Aldo Gangemi, and Paul Mulholland. Knowledge graph construction with a façade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the web. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 23, no. 1 (2023): 1-31.
  title={Knowledge graph construction with a fa{\c{c}}ade: a unified method to access heterogeneous data sources on the web},
  author={Asprino, Luigi and Daga, Enrico and Gangemi, Aldo and Mulholland, Paul},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Internet Technology},
  publisher={ACM New York, NY}

Daga, Enrico, Luigi Asprino, Paul Mulholland, and Aldo Gangemi. Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything. Studies on the Semantic Web 53 (2021): 58-73.
  title={Facade-X: an opinionated approach to SPARQL anything},
  author={Daga, Enrico and Asprino, Luigi and Mulholland, Paul and Gangemi, Aldo and others},
  journal={Studies on the Semantic Web},
  publisher={IOS Press}

Other publications

Marco Ratta, Enrico Daga and Luigi Asprino, PySPARQL Anything Showcase
[Demo paper]
  title="PySPARQL Anything Showcase",
  author={Ratta, Marco and Daga, Enrico and Asprino, Luigi},
  journal="ESWC 2024 Posters and Demo",

Asprino, Luigi, Enrico Daga, Justin Dowdy, Paul Mulholland, Aldo Gangemi, and Marco Ratta. "Streamlining Knowledge Graph Construction with a fa\c {c} ade: The SPARQL Anything project." ENDORSE: The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics (2023).
[Technical architecture report]
  title={Streamlining Knowledge Graph Construction with a fa$\backslash$c $\{$c$\}$ ade: The SPARQL Anything project},
  author={Asprino, Luigi and Daga, Enrico and Dowdy, Justin and Mulholland, Paul and Gangemi, Aldo and Ratta, Marco},
  journal="ENDORSE: The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics",
  publisher="Publications office of the European Union"

Ratta, Marco, and Enrico Daga. "Knowledge Graph Construction from MusicXML: an empirical investigation with SPARQL Anything." (2022).
  title={Knowledge Graph Construction from MusicXML: an empirical investigation with SPARQL Anything},
  author={Ratta, Marco and Daga, Enrico},
  publisher={Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs Workshop at The 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2022 (hybrid). 23-27 October 2022, Hangzhou, China}